Common AC Unit Maintenance Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Without the proper Air Conditioner or AC service repair, you will spend a lot of money on electricity bills and your AC might not be able to provide the desired temperature levels. If you have an AC, you should avoid the common mistakes illustrated in this article.

Not checking your filters

All ACs bring air from outdoors into your unit, cool it and then send it into your house. Your AC ensures that your home is fresh all the time. However, this doesn’t mean that any debris, dust and allergens in the air outside your home can make it indoors.

That is why modern AC systems have a series of filters in place to catch all contaminants in the air. The more your AC runs, the more contaminants and debris the filters will catch.

During AC repair, it is important to get the filters inspected and replaced at least once every three months. When you leave dirty filters in place, it will hurt the indoor air quality of your home. It will also make your AC work harder to cool your home.

Ignoring strange noises

Every AC makes noises when you switch it on. However, after leaving your AC for a few weeks, you will know the normal sound your AC produces. If you notice a change in the sound your AC produces, you should call a professional to come and inspect your unit.

Forgetting to clean air vents

Your air vents can collect a lot of debris and dust over the year. Anytime your AC turns on, the air gets forced through the vents into your home. Any dirt and debris trapped in the vents will get sent out into your house anytime the AC turns on. While it doesn’t impact the efficiency of your AC, you should clean the vents at least every month during your AC service repair.


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